On Thursday 26 January 2017. Large Civil Administration and Border Police forces arrived at the community of Badu al-Baba, located near al-'Eizariyah, northeast of Jerusalem. The forces destroyed tents that were the homes of three families, and two livestock pens, leaving 17 people, including 9 minors, homeless. The forces did not allow the families to remove all of their belongings from the tents and pens before the demolition, resulting in extensive property damage. The Badu al-Baba community numbers 350, about half of them minors, and it is located in an area designated by Israeli authorities as Area E1, where an expansion that would connect the settlement of Maaleh Adumim to Jerusalem is planned. In 2016, the Civil Administration demolished structures in the community on two different occasions.
Source: Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Country: occupied Palestinian territory